Diversity in Tech: Who’s Missing From the Table?

Here’s a question: if tech is all about building the future, why does it still look like a reunion of the same dudes from your high school coding club?

Let’s be real—diversity isn’t just about “being nice” or ticking a box. It’s about making better stuff. When the same types of people build everything, we end up with products that don’t work for everyone. (Looking at you, AI that can’t recognize darker skin tones.)

I came across some stories that really made me think about who’s not at the table and why that’s a problem:

These stories aren’t just inspiring; they’re a wake-up call. The more voices we bring into the room, the better we all do. So why are we still moving at the pace of molasses?

Let’s ask ourselves: who’s not here, and what are we losing because of it?

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