
  • The Founder’s Dilemmas by Noam Wasserman

    Just finished reading “The Founder’s Dilemmas” by Noam Wasserman and wow, it’s a rollercoaster of insights! 💡🎢

    1️⃣ First up, the book dives into the murky waters of hiring. Ever thought your COO was redundant? Well, this book suggests that sometimes, having a COO in a early stage startup is a big red flag – or is your COO the real CEO? Tough pill to swallow for some! 💊

    2️⃣ Next, it hits where it hurts – dealing with underperformers. The dilemma? Keeping them might preserve team morale and knowledge, but at what cost to your startup’s growth and efficiency? It’s a high-stakes game of balancing growth with loyalty. 🤔⚖️

    3️⃣ And the most controversial of all – founding with friends. Sounds like a dream, right? Not so fast! The book suggests you’re likely to lose either your company, your friends, or both. Friendship and business, a volatile mix?

    There are a bunch of other hot takes. Here are all my highlights.