• AppFigures Interview

    Let’s talk about my challenges at Youper in this special talk with Appfigures #AFTalks

  • The sun is setting once more

    Now the sun is setting,
    these days over the Pacific,
    as it has for thousands of years around here.

    For me, it’s only been the last 30 days that this has happened.
    Before that, the sun used to set at the tip of the hill,
    where I’d also make my way down.
    But the sun wouldn’t be there anymore.
    Instead, I’d find my love waiting for me.

    These days, I’m just climbing and descending hills, buses, and cable cars—
    all charged up, electric and hybrid.
    And to recharge my own energy—
    which sometimes runs on economy mode,
    other times on high performance—
    I eagerly wait for the story-packed 5R to Golden Gate Park,
    so different from the moody B52 Brooklyn.
    (It’s definitely not the Circular Ratones.)

    And that’s the beauty of this rollercoaster we call daily life:
    chasing dreams, taking risks, making bets.
    It’s hills, climbs, descents, joys, and surprises.

    The best part? After the ride,
    I’m always racing to the front of the line
    to feel it all over again.

    Just like the sun,
    setting once more
    at the tip of the hill
    while I get lost in thought.

    Original Portuguese Version:

    Agora o sol está se pondo,
    últimamente no pacífico mesmo,
    nos útlimos milhares de anos está sendo assim por aqui.
    Para mim, só nos últimos 30 dias que isso aconteceu,
    antes disso o sol descia na ponta do morro.
    Onde eu também descia,
    o sol já não estava mais lá,
    quem eu encontrava era o meu amor.
    Hoje só desso e subo ladeiras, onibus e bondinhos.
    Cheios de energia, elétrica e hibrida.
    E para recarregar as minhas energias,
    que as vezes está no modo economico,
    outras em alta performance.
    Tenho que esperar ansioso
    o cheio de histórias 5s Golden Gate Park,
    bem diferente do soturno B52 Brooklyn,
    que não é o Circular Ratones.
    Enfim, essa é a graça da montanha russa do dia-a-dia,
    de seguir sonhos, arriscar e apostar,
    são ladeiras, subidas, descidas, alegrais e surpresas.
    O melhor é que sempre depois do passeio,
    corro para ser o primeiro da fila
    e sentir tudo isso, denovo.
    Igual ao sol,
    que enquanto viajo nas ideias,
    ele está se pondo, denovo,
    na ponta do morro.

  • JS4Girls Workshop – 2017

    Looking to conquer the world, infiltrate NASA, hack the system, or just build a website and become wildly rich? Mark your calendar—it’s the 29th! Time to turn ambition into action, whether you’re chasing global domination or aiming for a tech empire.

    The best part, do some pair programming with me. 🙂
